Cryolophosaurus (Saurian Isle)

 Size comparison:     

Length: 7.4 meters (male) 8 meters (female)

Weight: 900 kg (male) 1.3 tons (female)

Cryolophosaurus dimorphis is a medium sized theropod, they are quite rare, but can be found along highland areas and temperate forests, preferring cooler temperatures. 

This species is has many unique characteristics, the flat transverse crest on their heads used for sexual display, and sexual dimorphism between the two, as males are smaller, more lightly built with a very long tail, and have more vibrant colorations, while the female is larger, more heavily built and is a stripy red black ad brown. Additionally, she has a row of display stripes along her back.

Most intriguingly, Cryolophosaurus engage in one of the most complex mating behavior out of any dinosaur. The male call for the female, then presents a kill as a present to prevent cannibalism. Afterwards he performs a ritualistic dance displaying his crest and stepping side to side. If she accepts, she will join the dance and allow her mate to be around her.

 A female Cryolophosaurus in the morning sun.
