Ouranosaurus (Saurian Isle)

Size comparison:

 Length: 7 meters

Weight: 3 tons

Ouranosaurus dromedarius is quite a common sight in the arid regions of the island, most notable due to their impressive sail. Their wide, duck like bills operate just as well in sand to stir up nutritious plants, or feeding in desert oases. They have an excellent sense of smell and can sniff out water sources from half a mile away. During the breeding season, males will flush blood into their sail to attract females, this sail is also useful for storing fat for leaner times. 

Though they have no obvious defense; no horns, no spikes nor sharp teeth, they are very bold and courageous animals and will act defensive when cornered, using their hoofed front limbs and muscular tail to beat attackers.

It has been observed that Ouranosaurus and Nigersaurus rarely operate together, possibly as a form of mutual symbiosis, the Ouranosaurus' sense of smell, and Nigersaurus' amazing vision form an early warning system against predators
