Spinosaurus-species-A (Saurian Isle)

 Size comparison:

Length: normally 12-15 meters, but largest individuals approaching 18 meters

Weight: 5-7 tons

Spinosaurus hydrex, or Spinosaurus-species-A is the largest theropod on the island, though Tyrannosaurus and Giganotosaurus are heavier. Fully adapted to an aquatic lifestyle, with a long crocodile-like snout lined with cone shaped interlocking teeth, similar to a fish trap for catching slippery aquatic prey. A long paddle shaped tail and webbed feet for swimming, as well as atrophied hind limbs to prevent drag underwater. There, they are the top predators of Saurian Isle's river system, feeding on fish, aquatic reptiles, and any dinosaur that come too close.

For such large predators, they are generally quite placid towards animals outside of their watery home, preferring to avoid conflict whenever possible.

On land they are quite cumbersome, and have difficulty moving about due to their short hind limbs. It's most well known feature, it's sail is used as a signaling device, with females preffering males with larger, flashier sails.

Despite their vulnerability towards seasonally shrinking waterways, they are some of the longest lived theropods on the island. One male nicknamed 'Essien' was estimated to have been at least 75 years old when he died in 2019.
