Tenontosaurus (Saurian Isle)

 Size comparison:

Length: 3.2 meters

Weight: about 250 kg at most

One of the smaller Iguanodontia, Tenontosaurus minimus is a dwarf species, only the size of a pony, minuscule compared to it's rhinoceros sized prehistoric counterpart.

Commonly found in both arid, semi arid and lush regions, they often gather around larger herbivores for protection, where they browse on low growing plants and shrubs with their horny beak. 

A heavy muscular tail is it's only form of defense against smaller predators such as dromaeosaurs. Half the length of it's body and stiffened with bony rods provides counterbalance while running, this tail is also used as a fat storage organ for the dry season.

While their diminutive stature might not show it, they are hardy, adaptable creatures able to go days without water from energy stores.
